For this art piece, I wanted to portray what it was like living through the rough time of the COVID pandemic. All the thoughts going on in my head, what I kept hearing, living day in and day out through what seemed as an endless cycle of the pandemic. I show myself spinning around to indicate each day and night passing by and all the mixed emotions I developed and felt along the way. The pandemic is definitely an event that no one imagined would of had such a huge impact amongst the people of the world. This piece was created in 2020 and it is now 2022. I would have never thought the pandemic would have lasted this long but it has really opened up my eyes. The pandemic is now kind of our new normal and things are slowly starting to get back to how they used to be. New advanced in research and vaccines have helped us go back to some time or normalcy. Hopefully things continue to get better and the rough times of the pandemic will stay in the past.